Hiking Rafting Expeditions
Hike In Raft Out
The hike in option is for the fit and adventurous and follows a hiking trail into the mountains and along the side of the Whataroa river.
It takes around 3-4 hours to hike in depending on fitness levels and group size
The majority of the track is flat and meanders up the side of the river through the rainforest with a few sections going over the boulder strewn riverbank underneath cliffs where the river has eroded into the bank. There are some steep sections with sheer drop offs as we negotiate the 3 gorges that make up the Whataroa river on our way to the put in where we set up camp. Dinner is cooked over an open fire. Enjoy the sunset on the surrounding mountains and a West Coast Sky-scape. Â We set off down the same section as the full day Heli Rafting trip.
We can also organize a 5 day expedition trip on the Karamea river, 2 days hiking and 3 days rafting for those that want a challenging backcountry experience
Rod and Rifle Rafting Specials
Specicfically tailored to Kiwi and Australian hunters or anyone else that wants to experience deerstalking. Spring and early Summer is the best time of year to book this trip as the fresh grass on the riverflats draws the deer out of the surrounding forest and hills to feed on the nutrient rich shoots. We alternate rivers and hunting areas so that we dont thrash a particular area. We have always seen deer on these trips and with all the rain and warm temperatures in early October the grass has just started to crank in South Westland. Join Josh and the crew and come on an adventure you will never forget. We can pick you up and drop you off ex Hokitika Airport or you can meet us in Haast. Call the lads and book your trip now as we have limited spaces
Rod and Rifle overnight
- Heli in, hunt, fish, camp, hunt,then raft out grade 2-3
Rod and Rifle 2 night 2 day
- Helicopter into put-in, hunt, fishOvernight camp, raft, fish, hunt, campRaft out next day grade 2-3
Scenic flight, overnight, grade 3-5
- Scenic glacier flight Overnight camp Grade 3-5 river
Heli in Overnight White Water Rafting Adventure
There are 2 options for this trip. The first is to helicopter into the same river as the overnight hike in trip, camp overnight then and raft out the following day on the Whataroa river grade 3-5 full day section.
The other option is helicopter in to a grade 2-3 river, this is the perfect trip for those that want a more cruisier river with a few rapids along the way while still getting the awesome scenery that only the helicopter option of flying deep into the wilderness can offer. We have several different rivers available for this option and tailor the trip to the groups wants and needs.
Walk-in, overnight, grade 3-5
- Walk-in to put-in
Raft out next day
Good fitness required.
Helicopter in, overnight, raft out
- Helicopter into put-in
Overnight camp
Raft out next day grade 3-5
Scenic flight, overnight, grade 3-5
- Scenic glacier flight
Overnight camp
Grade 3-5 river
Heli in 2 night – 2 day White Water Rafting Adventure
If you would like an extended expedition we have a variety of rivers to choose from such as the Karamea/Mohikinui Rivers on the Northern West Coast, and the Waiatoto, Haast and Landsborough Rivers in the amazingly scenic area of South Westland with its thousands of snowcapped mountains and spectacular glaciers. These trips cover more ground and get you right into the backcountry. Grade 2-3 options and Grade 3-4 and Grade 4-5 options. These rivers also have excellent trout fishing and the scenery when your right in the heart of the mountains can only be experienced by taking a helicopter deep into the backcountry of New Zealands South Island. Contact us for prices and details so we can tailor a trip to your wants and needs.
Heli-in, 2 night-3 day, grade 2-3
- Helicopter in, camp, spend the next 2 days rafting and camping on this incredibly scenic river with medium level grade 2-3 rapids and long flat sections in between so you can sit back and enjoy the scenery. Feed giant eels and do a spot of trout fishing if this appeals to you. This is a great option for a multi day family trip. Children under 12 pay $750 ppAverage fitness required.
Landsborough River 3 days 2 nights, Grade 3-4
- Helicopter into put-inOvernight campRaft through grade 3-4 whitewater down to the next campsite, on the last day we raft back to the main highway arriving at the vehicles at around 3pm. Only 2 hours drive from Queenstown
Scenic flight, 3 days - 2 nights, grade 3-4
- Scenic glacier flight over some spectacular countryOvernight camp, raft, camp, raft with all the trimmings.Grade 3-4 river